How to manually install addons wow
How to manually install addons wow

how to manually install addons wow

  • If the button is NOT there: means you did not install the addons properly.
  • If button is there: make sure all the addons you installed are listed and make sure “load out of date addons” is checked.
  • At the Character Select screen, look in lower left corner for the “addons” button.
  • Move the “Addonname” folder into the “AddOns” folder.
  • The “My Addons” folder should have the “Addonname” folder in it.
  • In a new window, open the “My Addons” folder.
  • (default is C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\)
  • That is where you are running WoW from and THAT is where you need to install your addons.
  • StuffitExpander: Double click the archive to extract it to a folder in the current directory.
  • WinZip: You MUST make sure the option to “Use Folder Names” is CHECKED or it will just extract the files and not make the proper folders how the Authors designed.
  • WinRAR: Right click the file, select “Extract Here”.
  • Copy these outside to the “My Addons” folder. Double click on the file to open it, inside should be the file or folders needed.
  • Windows XP has a built in ZIP extractor.
  • Extract the file – commonly known as ‘unzipping’ – Do this ONE FILE AT A TIME!.
  • If, when you try to download the file, it automatically “opens”, you need to RIGHT click on the link and “save as…” or “Save Target As”.
  • Make a folder on your desktop called “My Addons”.

  • How to manually install addons wow