Even 33 years after your passing, none of your successors have matched your accomplishments, and you remain the most beloved President in NCR history. Typical ailments of the elderly, such as dementia, seemingly failed to sink their hooks into you. You lived to the incredible age of 103, dying in-office after 52 years of presidency. You were successful in these goals time and time again, garnering such respect that tribals as far away as Utah knew you as the "Great Mother," and sexism within the NCR almost ceased to exist. Under your wise guidance, Shady Sands and its trading partners emerged as the first states of the New California Republic, steadily expanding, determined to bring peace and stability to the wastes.

You were quick to open trade routes with other major settlements in the region, and secured Shady Sands' domination over the brahmin trade, rocketing the town from a small desert town into the largest post-war settlement in the American wasteland. Born was the first and only daughter of Aradesh, mayor of Shady Sands, you longed for a life of adventure, and were forced to take your father's office after his untimely death. Welcome, President Tandi, great unifier of New California. Tandi, a founder and President of the New California Republic, was one of the most influential people in the entire post-Great War world, turning her small desert hometown into the sprawling capital city of a new nation, one that became one of the largest and most powerful in post-war America during her reign. Though appearing to be a benevolent entity of governance, the ability to control the land it claims to protect, the fidelity of those who live under their rule, and the widespread corruption within their political system has been questioned by many, without a clear response by the NCR themselves. It also strives to restore general order to the wasteland, the improvement and development of infrastructure and economic systems, and a basic common peace between the people. The NCR emphasizes and claims to support a myriad of old world values, such as democracy, personal liberty, and the rule of law. New California (officially the New California Republic, often abbreviated to NCR) is a large, democratic federation based in post-Great War California, with holdings in Nevada, Oregon, Mexico (Baja) and along the Colorado River.